MDF Companies
Wiseman Metals
Alaska, USA
Dedicated entity focussed on unlocking a new copper porphyry and REE district in partnership with Doyon, Limited.
Go to wisemanmetals.com
Felix Gold Limited
Alaska, USA
A publicly listed entity on the ASX which is targeting near-term production of antimony in Fairbanks and commercial pathways for its gold resources.
Go to felixgold.com.au -
Copper Bay Resources
Alaska, USA
Dedicated entity focused on the development potential of the Pyramid Copper Project and district-scale potential in partnership with Aleut.
Go to copperbayresources.com -
BMEx Exploration
MDF Alaska
Undertaking a fully-funded 5-year generative program focused on critical and precious metals in partnership with Doyon, Limited, Aleut, and strategic
investors. -
Mineral-Eyes is MDF’s proprietary computational analysis system of big geoscience-datasets